Housing Portfolio
Affordable Housing, Rental Relief, and Down Payment Assistance for Atlanta Firefighters.
The Housing Impact portfolio consists of programs designed to increase recruitment and retention rates by providing affordable recruit housing units and rental stipends in addition to traditional down payment assistance.
Recruit Housing
As an essential factor for successful recruitment efforts, the Atlanta Fire Rescue Foundation works to provide affordable housing opportunities for Atlanta Fire recruits participating in the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department training academy.
Application Period:
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and subject to occupancy availability.
Recruit Notification:
Upon successful completion of application, a Foundation representative will schedule consultation to discuss current options.
Housing Relief Program
The Atlanta Fire Rescue Foundation’s Housing Relief Program is designed to provide stipends for in-city housing coupled with financial literacy opportunities for the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department’s sworn firefighters. By providing a stipend for in-city residency, the purpose is to enhance public safety and foster stronger relationships between Atlanta’s firefighters and their communities. Applicants are eligible for a rental stipend of up to $1,000 per month based on the applicant’s base salary. All stipends are for a maximum of 12 months. The rental property must be located within the corporate city limits of Atlanta, Georgia, and stipend payments will be made directly to the property owner or management company. Participants of the program are also required to participate in free monthly literacy sessions.
Down Payment Assistance
Achieving homeownership, in the city you serve, through down payment assistance. The Atlanta Fire Rescue Foundation down payment assistance program established in 2022. Through the Atlanta Fire Rescue Foundation in partnership with the Atlanta Housing Authority, sworn firefighters and EMTs can qualify for a one-time gift of up to $30,000.00 in down payment assistance for first time homebuyers to put toward down payment and/or closing costs. Funds will be administered directly to the closing attorney via wire transfer.
Buying a home can be an exciting but tedious process. The Atlanta Fire Rescue Foundation is here to help. We encourage sworn members of the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department who are considering becoming a first time homeowner to begin your journey to homeownership with us. Schedule a 30 minute consultation today to learn how we can best assist your home buying experience through our assistance programs and partnerships.
Below please find the steps and eligibility requirements:
1. Identify property with maximum purchase price of $375,000.
2. Select lender from Atlanta Housing list of participating lender relationships. (See list of participating lenders)
3. Ensure compliance with criteria listed below.
​For members to be eligible for the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department’s down payment assistance grant, the following criteria must be met:
Specific Housing Requirements:
A. Applicants must be considered a first-time Homebuyer; OR Homebuyers who have not owned a home in the past three (3) years—i.e., homebuyers who have not had an ownership interest in residential or commercial property in the past three years.
(Applicants must not have purchased a home in the last three years.)
B. Properties purchased can be a single family detached (SFD), townhomes (TH), or a condominium (Condo); undeveloped land will not be eligible.
C. Property being purchased must be located within the Metro Atlanta geographical boundaries as defined by the Metro Regional Commission.
D. Applicant must meet the primary lender’s loan credit requirements and approval, from a participating lender, for conventional, FHA or VA loan financing.
E. The primary loan of the applicant must be a fixed rate loan and may have a loan term of 15 to 30 years.
F. Property purchased by applicant must be the homebuyer’s primary residence (2nd homes not permitted).
G. Applicant income(s) cannot exceed 80% of the current HUD’s MSA Area Median Income.
H. The Applicant’s contribution (own funds) for the purchase cannot be less than $1,500
I. Property must have maximum purchase price of $375,000.
J. The Applicant’s liquid assets cannot be more than $25,000.
K. Applicant must provide a Certificate of Completion of an eight (8)-hour Homebuyer Education class from a HUD-approved HBE provider, for all person(s) on the note, and must be completed prior to loan closing.
L. Applicant must provide verification of Georgia residency of not less than six (6) months.
Specific Professional Requirements:
M. Applications must include written confirmation the applicant is Good Standing with Office of Professional Standards, both at the time of application and at the time of closing
N. Applications must include written confirmation of the completion of the applicant’s sworn/firefighter probationary period.
O. A complete application, along with the supporting documentation must be submitted to AFRF no less than 30-days prior to a scheduled closing.
P. Applicants must remain employed with AFRD for a minimum of five years after assistance is granted.
Q. Applicant must be a sworn member of the Department
Funding and Processing Time:
R. Funds approved and/or awarded can only be used toward the borrower’s down payment and/or towards customary closing costs.
S. Applicants must have a fully executed purchase/sale agreement, lender loan approval, and all required documents to the AFRF not less than 30-days prior to a scheduled loan closing with the primary lender.
Please note: Successful completion of the Housing for Heroes application does not guarantee down payment assistance funding. Additionally, all funding is available on a first come first serve basis according to total available program funding.